Asbestos RemovalINVESTING IN KNOWLEDGEBy continuously investing in training and development, R&D Contracting is able to stay at the forefront when it comes to…
Asbestos RemovalR&D = MULTIPLE SKILLS X MULTIPLE PROJECTSWe often highlight a specific project based on the particular skill set in an isolated field of the industrial maintenance…
Core DrillingR&D CUTS TO THE CORE!Core drilling is highly specialised and is used when a job calls for the drilling of circular holes in reinforced…
Concrete SpallingR&D WARNS COASTAL PROPERTY OWNERS OF SPALLING!As we are heading towards the winter season, property owners in the coastal areas need to beware of spalling danger”,…
EventsR & D CELEBRATES 15 YEARS OF WORLD-CLASS INDUSTRIAL MAINTENANCE IN SOUTH AFRICAR & D launched in South Africa just a little over 15 years ago with the opening of its first…